

Welcome to the home page of Base-Conversion-Kit. Here, I am going to show you how to interact with this plugin and use it to make your life easier, especially if you are a person that has to deal with a lot of math operations in different bases.

How to use

This module has many different uses. The main functions are:

1from base_conversion_kit import *
3convert_to_base_n(decimal_number, to_base)
4convert_base(number, from_base, to_base)
5add_numbers(a, b, base)
6subtract_numbers(a, b, base)
7multiply_numbers(num1, num2, base)

Converting Numbers

The package offers a flexible function for converting numbers from any base to another:

1from base_conversion_kit import convert_to_base_n, convert_base
3# Convert a decimal number to binary
4binary_result = convert_to_base_n(42, 2)
5print(f"Binary representation: {binary_result}")
7# Convert a hexadecimal number to octal
8octal_result = convert_base("1A", 8, 16)
9print(f"Octal representation: {octal_result}")

Performing Arithmetic Operations

Performing arithmetic operations on numbers from different bases is seamless:

 1from base_conversion_kit import multiply_numbers, add_numbers, subtract_numbers
 3# Multiply two binary numbers
 4result_binary = multiply_numbers("101", "110", 2)
 5print(f"Binary multiplication result: {result_binary}")
 7# Add two decimal numbers
 8result_addition = add_numbers(15, 7, 10)
 9print(f"Decimal addition result: {result_addition}")
11# Subtract two hexadecimal numbers
12result_subtraction = subtract_numbers("1A", "B", 16)
13print(f"Hexadecimal subtraction result: {result_subtraction}")

Always, the numbers must be in string format. Otherwise, the functions might not work as expected. (Examples: “1A”, “FF”)

The bases, on the other hand, must be in int format. (Examples: 2, 8, 16)